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Published In: Garden & Forest 3(112): 186. 1890. (16 Apr 1890) (Gard. & Forest) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 10/22/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 10/29/2009)
Changes: Description change, Taxonomy change

Conservation Calculations     (Last Modified On 10/29/2009)
Ecological Value: 4.00000
Num Project Specimens: 34
Newest Specimen Year: 2019
Oldest Specimen Year: 1970
Conservation Value: 128.48000
Conservation Abbrev: LC


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Zanthoxylum fagara (L.) Sarg., Gard. & Forest 3: 186. 1890; Schinus fagara L.; Fagara pterota L.

Arbustos o árboles, 2–12 m de alto, sometimes decumbent, troncos y ramas armadas con acúleos, ramitas usually with numerous downward hooking spines, short-shoots sometimes present, ca 1 mm long, but usally elongating into lateral branches, with notable zig-zag growth form; apical bud 0.3-1 mm wide, puberulent; ramitas 1-1.2 mm wide, puberulent, eventually glabrous. Hojas alternately evenly distributed (or rarely apically from short-shoots), imparipinnadas, 4-9 cm de largo, rachis winged 3-10 mm wide; folíolos 5 or 7, lateral  folíolos obovados, 1-5 cm de largo y 0.6-2.7 cm de ancho, ápice obtuso- or rounded-emarginate, base truncate or inaequilateral acute and rounded or truncate, margen crenulado, usually with pair of glandular teeth at base 0.15-3 mmde largo folded over abaxial surface, puberulent on midrib at least at base, chartaceous, 3-5 pairs of secondary veins, sessile or petioule to 0.6 mm de largo. Simple or once-branched spikes, terminal and axilares, 1-3 cm de largo, rachis terete, puberulent; flowers sessile, 4-merous, sépalos ovate, 1/3 length of pétalos,minutely ciliate (or also puberulent on surface), persistent; pétalos 1.3-1.7 mm de largo; carpels 2. Folículos 1 (or 2), usually with scar of lost developing folículo, or aborted folículo retained, libres, 3.5-5 mm de largo, glabrous, stipe 1-2 mm de largo; seed 3-4  mm de largo.

Común, bosques secos a húmedos, zona norcentral; 100–1200 m; fl dic–feb, may, fr feb, may, jul–oct; Moreno 22956, Stevens 22263; Guatemala a Perú. "Chinche". This species was treated in the printed Flora de Nicaragua as Z. culantrillo. Please see discussion below that species. Reynel (1995) utilized a very wide concept for Zanthoxylum fagara, within that recognizing (but not publishing) three subspecies. We place here under Z. fagara those collections that would correspond to the autonym.



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