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Project Name Data (Last Modified On 8/12/2013)

Flora Data (Last Modified On 8/12/2013)
Species Zanthoxylum panamense P. Wilson
PlaceOfPublication Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 20: 479. 1922
Note TYPE: Panama, Pittier 3809 (US, holotype; GH, NY, US, isotypes).
Description Trees, 3-30 m high; trunks armed with more or less vertically flattened prickles, older trunks prickly only above, the branchlets strigillose to glabrate, sometimes armed with small sharp prickles. Leaves odd- or rarely even-pinnate, 17.5-38.5 cm long; petiole and rachis occasionally armed with yellowish prickles, canaliculate above, minutely puberulent to strigillose or glabrous; leaflets 9-14, opposite to subopposite, obovate or elliptic to oblong, abruptly acuminate or rounded apically, cuneate and inequilateral basally, the margins entire to ob- scurely crenulate, more or less revolute, the blade pellucid punctate throughout with punctations of 2 sizes, subcoriaceous, lustrous above and paler beneath, minutely puberulent or strigillose to glabrous, occasionally with 1 or more sharp yellowish prickles beneath on the midrib, 5.5-17.0 cm long, 2.9-8.0 cm wide, subsessile or the petiolule to 7 mm long. Staminate panicles axillary and crowded subterminally, many branched, to 25 cm long, the branches puberulent. Staminate flowers greenish white or white, the pedicels ca. 1 mm long; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, acute to rounded, puberulent, less than 1 mm long; petals 5, ovate or elliptic, acute, slightly keeled and thickened subapically, ca. 2.5 mm long, 1 mm wide; stamens 5, about as long as the petals; ovary 3-lobed, minutely pubescent, the styles 3, free, less than 1 mm long. Carpellate panicles terminal, branched, 8-14 cm long, the branches puberulent or strigillose. Carpellate flowers green, the pedicels ca. 1 mm long; calyx 5-lobed, the lobes triangular, acute, spreading, less than 1 mm long; petals 5, lanceolate, ca. 2 mm long, less than 1 mm -wide; stamens abortive, less than 1 mm long; ovary 3-lobed, globose, the styles apical, connate, much less than 1 mm long, the stigma 3-lobed, discoid, 1 mm in diameter. Follicles 1-3 (-4), subglobose, brown to dark red, punctate glandular, strigillose, 3-6 mm in diameter; seeds- subglobose, black, lustrous, minutely pitted.
Habit Trees
Distribution occurs in Panama and Costa Rica.
Note In Panama it is known to flower in April, June, August, September, and October, and to fruit in April, May, July, August, September, November, and December. Zanthoxylum panamense is a species of monsoon forest and evergreen seasonal forest found mainly on the Caribbean side of the Continental Divide. It may not be specifically distinct from Z. kellermanii P. Wilson of El Salvador, Guate- mala, and British Honduras. This species is known as prickly holly or yellow (Cooper & Slater 41) or acabu, alcabu, and arcabu, the latter also being applied to other members of the genus. Buttressing (Croat 11834), and ant-inhabited trunk prickles (Croat 16539 and Pittier 3809), also are reported.
Specimen BOCAS DEL TORO: Almirante region, Cooper & Slater 41 (F, US). Hill above railroad station at Milla 7.5, Croat & Porter 16358, 16388 (both MO). CANAL ZONE: 4 mi from Gamboa gate, Croat 15092 (MO). Boy Scout Road, Madden Dam, Dwyer 6909 (MO). Without other locality, Epplesheimer, 1910 (F). Coco Solo, Gentry 6290 (MO). Near Gatuin railroad station, Hayes 73 (NY). Mamei Hill, 20-90 m, Pittier 3809 (GH, NY, US). Ft. Sherman, Standley 31078 (US). Chagres River, 2-3 mi from mouth, Stevens 1290 (US). Pipeline Road, N of Gamboa, Tyson 6651 (MO). BARRIO COLORADO ISLAND: Carpenter 48 (F); Croat 5466, 6249, 8907 (all MO), 11834 (DUKE, MO, SCZ), 11854, 12574, 14582, 14885, 16539 (all MO); Foster 998, 1094 (both DUKE, MO); Shattuck H-1047 (F, MO, US); Wetmore & Abbe 116 (A, F, GH, MO), 116A (A). COLON: Trail along first river W of Portobelo, Gentry 5135 (MO). Near Maria Chiquita, Gentry 6300 (MO). PANAMA: Moist woods, Rio Tapia, Standley 30675 (A, MO, US).
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