Zanthoxylum mollissimum (Engl.) P. Wilson, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 37: 86. 1910; Fagara mollissima Engl.; Z. ferrugineum Radlk.; Z. anodynum A. Molina R.
Arbustos o árboles, 2-12 m de alto, tronco y ramas armados con acúleos, ramitas rarely with straight spines, short-shoots rare, without zig-zag growth; apical bud 4--15 mm wide, ferruginous-lanate; ramitas 5-13 mm wide, ferruginous-lanate to ferruginous to yellow-pilose, the hairs often in tufts. Hojas mainly in apical clusters (rarely and some evenly alternately distributed or from short-shoots), imparipinnadas, 18-35 cm de largo; rachis terete, 1-2 mm wide; folíolos 9–15, lateral folíolos oblongos a elliptic, 3.5-9 cm de largo y 1.5-3.5 (-7) cm de ancho, ápice agudo a acuminate, base often inaequilateral, rounded or truncate (rarely obtuse), margen entero a undulado o crenado, sometimes slightly revolute at base, ferruginous-lanate along midrib when young, dense to sparsely pubescent with age, chartaceous, 8-10 pairs of secondary veins, subsésiles. Panículas terminales and subterminal (rarely from short-shoots),4-15 cm de largo, 2-3 times branched, rachis terete to somewhat flattened, dense to sparsely lanate, pilose or with long-spreading hairs, pedicels 0.5-1.5 mm long and 0.15-0.2 mm wide, densely pilose to lanate; perianth-parts 8-10 and poorly differentiated, sepals and petals of similar shape, narrowly oblong, and sepals 1/2 to equal in length to petals, densely to sparsely pubescent especially along midrib and at apex, deciduous; petals 1.5-2 mm long; estambres 4–5; carpels 1 (2). Folículo 1 (rarely 2 or one aborting), 4–7 mm de largo, sparsely pubescent, stipe 0-0.5 mm long; seeds 3.5-5 mm long.
Poco común, bosques secos, zona norcentral; 800-1100 m; fl jun-ago, fr jun–ago; Moreno 25700, Stevens 9946; Mexico (Guerrero) to Costa Rica. "Jorillo". This species was treated as Zanthoxylum anodynum in the published Flora de Nicaragua.