3. Quercus L. (oak)
Bark split into
parallel ridges, loose plates, or strips. Leaves and buds in several irregular
ranks, more or less crowded at the stem apex, Buds 2–12 mm long, ovoid to
ellipsoid, all of the scales alternate, a terminal bud present (sometimes
difficult to distinguish in large apical bud clusters). Stipules small and
inconspicuous, shed early in leaf development. Leaf blades entire, toothed,
scalloped, or lobed, the secondary veins reaching the margin or turning aside
before reaching it. Inflorescences of staminate and pistillate flowers
separate; the staminate catkins drooping or pendant, elongate, spikelike; the
pistillate flowers sessile or nearly so (sometimes a stalk developing as the
fruit matures), solitary, paired, or in small clusters. Fruits ripening the
first or second autumn after flowering. Cupules (usually called cups in Quercus)
unlobed and not splitting at maturity, usually enclosing only the lower portion
of the nut (except in Q. lyrata), scaly, the scales short and appressed
or long and spreading, overlapping and covering the surface of the cupule. Nut
1 per cupule, variously narrowly ellipsoid to more or less globose, often with
a prominent attachment scar at the base, in many species with a minute to
small, blunt to sharply pointed, extension at the tip, circular in
cross-section, brown. About 450 species, throughout the Northern Hemisphere,
most diverse in temperate regions and montane portions of the tropics.
Oaks are the
most important group of trees in Missouri. They dominate most of the forests,
woodlands, and savannas in the state. Acorns are a very important food for many
wild mammals, birds, and insects, as well as for domestic hogs. In prehistoric
times acorns were a staple food for humans in many parts of the Northern
Hemisphere. Acorns are quite nutritious, but they have high concentrations of
tannins, which must be removed by leaching before they are palatable. Tannin
concentration varies greatly from tree to tree; generally, black oaks have
higher tannin concentrations than white oaks, and are more nutritious. Oaks
produce high-quality hardwood lumber, which has been important for general
construction, cabinet making and furniture making, veneer, pallets, and
fenceposts. Other, specialized uses of some white oaks are discussed under
section Quercus. Oaks also are a major source of high-quality firewood
and charcoal.
Oaks are
important as shade trees and ornamentals in places where native trees have been
left standing after building. However, they are extremely vulnerable to
construction injury. Every effort should be made to avoid severing roots,
compacting the soil in the root zone, or smothering roots by earth fill. Many
species are difficult to transplant or to start in containers, so they are
somewhat underutilized in the nursery trade. The young seedling puts most of
its growth into a deep taproot. If this develops abnormally (as in a pot) or is
cut off (for transplantation), the plant is sometimes unable to compensate and
dies within a few years. Oaks are best planted in the place where they are to
grow, but care must be taken to protect the cotyledons of the seedling from
squirrels, which frequently dig up the remains of the old nut and eat it.
In many oaks,
particularly in members of the black oak group (see the classification below)
the leaves are not totally deciduous. Instead, the plants retain their dried,
brown leaves through the winter, especially on lower branches. This phenomenon,
which also occurs in scattered other species of woody plants, is known as marcescence.
Oaks are very
variable morphologically, and the species can be difficult to separate.
Significant variation is seen between populations, among trees in the same
population, and even among different parts of the same tree (Baranski, 1975;
Braham, 1977; R. J. Jensen, 1989). The juvenile leaves of many species of oak
are quite different in form from the adult leaves, and vigorous sprouts from
the roots or trunk often revert to juvenile leaf morphology. Leaves growing in
the shady inner part of the crown may be quite different from those in the
sunny outer part of the crown, the shaded inner leaves being larger, thinner,
more shallowly lobed, and more sparsely pubescent. Unfortunately, seedling
leaves, sprouts, and shade leaves are sometimes the only leaves that are easily
accessible from ground level. Specimens that consist only of such leaves are
difficult to identify accurately.
characters are very useful in oaks, which have a variety of conspicuous
branched hairs on most of their organs. In stellate hairs, found only in white
oaks, the branches of the hair (known as rays) spread in one plane, more or
less parallel to the leaf or stem and often appressed to it. Other hair types
include fasciculate hairs, multiradiate hairs, and dendroid hairs, all of which
branch in three dimensions. These types are difficult to distinguish except
under high magnification and are all referreed to in the present work as
“branched spreading hairs.” Many oaks also have soft, unbranched hairs
appressed to the leaf surface. These are usually inconspicuous unless they are
pigmented (common in Q. marilandica and Q. stellata, not in other
species), so they are easily overlooked unless the leaf is examined carefully
at high power. Hair structure can be difficult to observe except with high
magnification and strong illumination, so these characters have been avoided in
the keys as far as possible, but they are included in the descriptions because
they are important for critical work, especially the accurate recognition of
descriptions here apply only to mature, fully expanded leaves and associated
twigs. In many species whose leaves and twigs are glabrous at maturity,
including Quercus alba and many red oaks, expanding leaves and twigs in
the spring are densely hairy; these hairs are shed as the leaves mature. Other
organs that provide important taxonomic characters develop later in the season.
The terminal buds develop over the summer, usually attaining full size around
the end of August. Acorns ripen in September and October.
hybridization in North American oaks was reviewed by Palmer (1948). Several
hybrid combinations not known to Palmer have been described since 1948, but his
general comments on hybridization are still valid. Hybrids may be expected
between any two species in the same section, but they are very uncommon. Palmer
estimated that fewer than one tree in every 100,000, perhaps fewer than one in
a million, is a first-generation hybrid. Hybrids are usually found in areas
where one of the parental species is abundant and the other is uncommon and
growing in an ecologically marginal habitat. Once a first-generation hybrid
reaches reproductive maturity, it may backcross with one or both of its
parents. Such backcross hybrids are much more variable and difficult to
distinguish from the parental species than the first-generation hybrids. Over
several successive generations, this process can lead to trees that are
morphologically indistinguishable from one of the original parental species,
but nevertheless have some of the other parent’s genes incorporated into their
genomes (Hardin, 1975; Whittemore and Schaal, 2001). Because of the large
number of different hybrids documented from Missouri, it is more expedient to
collect the data on these in a separate table than to disperse the information
within the discussion of each species. It should be noted that in some cases
one or more synonymous epithets have been published in reference to certain oak
hybrids, but because of space considerations and the limited application of
these names to Missouri plants, no attempt has been made here to list synonyny
for these binomials. Thomson (1977) documented hybrids between the
morphologically similar Q. muehlenbergii and Q. prinoides from a
site in Lafayette County, but no voucher specimens to support this conclusion
were discovered during the present research. Also, the putative hybrid between Q.
falcata and Q. imbricaria, which Steyermark (1963) reported under
the illegitimate name Q. ×anceps E.J. Palmer (a later homonym of Q.
anceps Korth. [a Bornean taxon now usually treated as part of Q. spicata
Sm.] that subsequently was legitimized as Q. ×palmeriana A. Camus),
still requires documentation from Missouri. The specimen from Butler County
cited by Steyermark has been redetermined as Q. falcata.
Putative parentage Hybrid binomial Documented
Q. alba × Q.
bicolor Q.
×jackiana C.K. Schneid. Lafayette
Q. alba × Q.
macrocarpa Q.
×bebbiana C.K. Schneid. Cole, Jackson, Pike, Putnam, St. Louis
Q. alba × Q.
michauxii Q.
×beadlei Trel. ex E.J. Palmer Dunklin
Q. alba × Q.
muehlenbergii Clinton,
Jackson, St. Louis
Q. alba × Q.
stellata Q.
×fernowii Trel. Cole, Dade, Jackson, Lawrence, Macon, Marion, Polk,
St. Clair, St. Louis City
Q. bicolor ×
Q. lyrata Q.
×humidicola E.J. Palmer Dunklin
Q. bicolor ×
Q. macrocarpa Q.
×schuettei Trel. Jackson, Johnson, St. Clair
Q. bicolor × [Q. muehlenbergii × Q. prinoides] Q.
×introgressa P.M. ThomsonLafayette
Q. bicolor
×Q. prinoides Q.
×wagneri Gaynor Clinton, Jackson
Q. coccinea ×
Q. velutina Carter,
ellipsoidalis × Q. velutina Harrison
Q. falcata ×
Q. marilandica Q.
×incomita E.J. Palmer Howell
Q. falcata ×
Q. nigra Q.
×garlandensis E.J. Palmer Butler, Dunklin
Q. falcata ×
Q. phellos Q.
×subfalcata Trel. Dunklin
Q. falcata ×
Q. velutina Q.
×willdenowii Zabel Howell
Q. imbricaria
× Q. marilandica Q.
×tridentata Engelm. ex A. DC. Jackson, St. Louis, St. Louis
City, Texas, Wayne
Q. imbricaria
× Q. palustris Q.
×exacta Trel.Boone, St. Louis
Q. imbricaria
× Q. rubra Q.
×runcinata (A. DC.) Engelm. Franklin, Jackson
Q. imbricaria
× Q. shumardii Q.
×egglestonii Trel. Dade, Jackson, Laclede
Q. imbricaria
× Q. velutina Q.
×leana Nutt. Adair, Boone, Cape Girardeau, Carter, Cole, Dade,
DeKalb, Greene, Iron, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox, Madison, St. Louis,
Q. lyrata ×
Q. michauxii Q.
×tottenii Melvin Ripley
Q. lyrata ×
Q. stellata Q.
×sterrettii Trel. Carter
Q. macrocarpa
× Q. michauxii Q.
×byarsii Sudw. ex Trel. Mississippi
Q. macrocarpa
× Q. muehlenbergii Q.
×deamii Trel. Butler, Clinton, Greene, Holt, Jackson, Jasper,
Q. macrocarpa
× Q. prinoides Q.
×beckyae Gaynor Grundy
Q. macrocarpa
× Q. stellata Q.
×guadelupensis Sarg. Jackson, Jasper
marilandica × Q. velutina Q.
×bushii Sarg. Adair, Barton, Boone, Cass, Christian, Dent,
Franklin, Greene, Howell, Jackson, Jasper, Johnson, Knox, Lewis, McDonald,
Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Newton, Putnam, Ralls, Randolph, St. Francois, St.
Louis, St. Louis City, Washington
Q. nigra × Q. phellos Q. ×capesii
W. Wolf Dunklin
Q. pagoda ×
Q. velutina New
Madrid, Scott
Q. palustris × Q. phellos Q. ×schochiana
Dieck Stoddard, Wayne
Q. palustris × Q. rubra Benton
Q. palustris
× Q. shumardii Q.
×mutabilis E.J. Palmer & Steyerm. Bates
Q. palustris
× Q. texana Ripley
Q. palustris × Q. velutina Q. ×vaga
E.J. Palmer & Steyerm. Nodaway
Q. phellos × Q. rubra Q. ×heterophylla
F. Michx. Dunklin, Wayne
Q. phellos × Q. shumardii Q. ×moultonensis
Ashe Ripley, Stoddard
Q. phellos × Q. velutina Q. ×filialis
Little Butler
Q. prinoides × Q. stellata Q. ×stelloides
E.J. Palmer Jackson, Lawrence, Sullivan
Q. rubra × Q. shumardii Jackson,
St. Louis
Q. rubra × Q. velutina Q.
×hawkinsiae Sudw. Clark, Dunklin, Jackson
Species of Quercus
are divided among several subgenera or sections, but there is still some
disagreement on the best classification to use (Oh and Manos, 2008). There are
only two groups native to eastern North America, the red and black oaks
(section Lobatae Loudon), which are found only in the New World, and the
white oaks (section Quercus), the only subgroup that is native to both
hemispheres. A third group of North American oaks, the intermediate oaks
(section Protobalanus (Trel.) A. Camus), is found only in the
southwestern United States and northern Mexico. Groupings in the Old World oaks
are less clear. A morphologically distinctive group of species in tropical and
subtropical Asia have the scales of the acorn cup fused as concentric rings or
dense whorls. This group is subgenus Cyclobalanopsis (Oerst.) C.K.
Schneid. Some of the remaining Old World species definitely belong to sect. Quercus,
but others form one or more distinct sections. A species in one of these,
section Cerris Loudon, is introduced in Missouri. See the key and
descriptions below for morphological distinctions among the groups found in