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Published In: Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 7(1): 240. 1821. (20 Apr 1821) (Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution : Represented by 17 genera and 42 species in the present area.


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Lateral nectar glands in pairs, separated or united, sometimes with projec¬tions; middle glands absent or when present rarely joining the laterals. Hairs simple or absent, rarely branched. Stamen filaments with or without appenda¬ges; anthers usually short and obtuse. Stigmas capitate, often shortly bilobed. Siliculae usually with narrowly elliptic septum (angustiseptate), generally compressed contrary to the septum (but sometimes subflattened, or unilocular without septum), dehiscent, sometimes indehiscent and breaking longitudinally into 1-seeded halves.

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1 Siliculae hardly or not laterally compressed; septum broadly elliptic (sometimes incomplete or absent) (2)
+ Siliculae laterally ± flattened or compressed (rarely with inflated valves) septum narrowly elliptic (sometimes absent) (4)
2 (1) Racemes elongated in fruit; valves neither gibbous nor double crested at the back (3)
+ Racemes condensed, ± umbellate in fruit; valves gibbous with double crest at the back Dilophia
3 (2) Siliculae many seeded Cochlearia
+ Siliculae 2-seeded Winklera
4 (1) Siliculae bilobed; valves of each lobe inflated, globose or subglobose (neither keeled nor winged) (5)
+ Siliculae ± compressed (rarely sub-inflated); valves boat shaped, ± keeled (winged or not) (6)
5 (4) Valves rigid, rugose, ± pitted Coronopus
+ Valves membranous, smooth Didymophysa
6 (4) Siliculae unilocular, indehiscent (7)
+ Siliculae bilocular, dehiscent (very rarely indehiscent), or breaking into two 1-seeded halves (rarely unilocular in some species of Aethionema ) (8)
7 (6) Valves coarsely veined in the middle; style short but distinct Sameraria
+ Valves not coarsely veined; stigma sessile Isatis
8 (6) Siliculae breaking into two 1-seeded halves, or indehiscent (sometimes sub-dehiscent) (9)
+ Siliculae dehiscent, usually leaving the seeds free (12)
9 (8) Siliculae indehiscent (rarely subdehiscent) (10)
+ Siliculae breaking longitudinally into two 1-seeded halves (11)
10 (9) Siliculae 1 or 2 seeded Cardaria
+ Siliculae many seeded Hedinia
11 (9) Plants robust; siliculae winged; stamens many (more then 6 in our spp.) Megacarpaea
+ Plants short; siliculae not winged; stamens 6 Uranodactylus
12 (8) Siliculae not winged, usually many seeded (more than 10 seeded); seeds very small (13)
+ Siliculae ± winged (wings inconspicuous in some species of Lepidium and Thlaspi), usually 2 seeded; seeds large (14)
13 (12) Plants erect, hairy with branched hairs; siliculae somewhat triangular Capsella
+ Plants generally procumbent, tender, glabrous; siliculae elliptic or obovate-elliptic Hymenolobus
14 (12) Flowers regular (15)
+ Flowers irregular, with two petals slightly longer Iberis
15 (14) Siliculae usually distinctly winged (rarely wings almost supressed in some species of Thlaspi), usually larger and longer than broad; style distinct (16)
+ Siliculae slightly or obscurely winged towards the apex, small, ± rounded or ovate; style usually minute or almost absent Lepidium
16 (15) Stamen filaments not appendaged; siliculae often elongated with entire margin or wings Thlaspi
+ Filaments of the longer four stamens generally appendaged (not in our single species); siliculae ± suborbicular with denticulate margin or wing (in our species) Aethionema
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