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Published In: Mémoires du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle 7(1): 229. 1821. (Mém. Mus. Hist. Nat.) Name publication detailView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/2/2011)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 6/3/2011)
General/Distribution : Represented by 11 genera and 36 species in our area.


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Lateral nectar glands various, often annular or semi-annular, simple or variously lobed; middle glands present or absent. Hairs simple, branched or absent. Sepals subequal, erect or subspreading. Stamen filaments without append-ages, rarely toothed. Ovary sessile or with short gynophore; stigma capitate, often slightly bilobed. Siliquae usually linear (rarely elliptic or sub-globose sillicula-like), usually compressed or flattened parallel to the septum, dehiscent (rarely tardily or hardly dehiscent, broadly septate (rarely septum incomplete or obsolete); seeds 1-2-seriate, generally not muciloginous when wet.; radicle usually accumbent.

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1 Siliquae ± compressed or flattened, with valves ± flat or terete (2)
+ Siliquae subcylindrical or subcompressed, sometimes ellipsoid, with valves ± convex (8)
2 (1) Valves not opening like above; leaves entire to sinuate or dentate (very rarely lyrate or pinnate) (3)
+ Valves usually opening suddenly and coiling spirally upwards; leaves usually pinnate Cardamine
3 (2) Plants usually not so tall and the basal leaves not withering soon ; siliquae short (rarely long), ± spreading or ascending (4)
+ Plants robust with basal leaves soon withering; siliquae elongated, ± appressed to stem Turritis
4 (3) Leaves usually deeply sinuate-dentate; flowers bright yellow
+ Leaves entire or toothed above; flowers white, lilac or rarely mauve-yellow or yellowish (5)
5 (4) Basal leaves usually elongated, oblanceolate or oblong-obovate, entire, dentate or sinuate-dentate, ± hairy with simple and branched hairs (rarely villous) (6)
+ Basal leaves usually short, spathulate or obovate, 3,5 (-10)-lobulate or toothed above (rarely entire or subentire), often villous with simple or forked hairs Christolea
6 (5) Siliquae usually elongated and strongly compressed, mostly not contorted, glabrous (rarely hairy ), dehiscent (7)
+ Siliquae short (up to 2 cm long), linear, usually contorted densely covered with minute branched or stellate hairs, tardily dehiscent Phaeonychium
7 (6) Flowers mediocre or large, usually white, pedicellate. Plants perennial, usually tall, leafy (rarely scapose); stigma on a distinct style Arabis
+ Flowers small, subsessile, yellow. Plants annual, small with radical leaves only stigma sessile or subsessile Drabopsis
8 (1) Racemes many flowered; stem leafy (9)
+ Scapes 1-flowered; leaves radical only Pegaeophyton
9 (8) Flowers white or lilac (10)
+ Flowers yellow Rorippa
10 (9) Plants aquatic, glabrous or sparsely hairy with simple hairs; leaves pinnate; fruits short, often slightly curved Nasturtium
+ Plants terrestrial, glandular-hairy; leaves simple, toothed; fruits elongated, straight Dontostemon
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