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Published In: Species Plantarum 1: 489. 1753. (1 May 1753) (Sp. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 5/12/2022)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 4/30/2018)
Contributor Text: Muhammad Tahir M. Rajput* & Syeda Saleha Tahir**
Contributor Institution: Preston University, 15th Banglore Town, Shahrah-e-Faisal, Karachi* , Institute of Plant Sciences, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Sindh**.
Type: Lectotype: Spiraea salicifolia L. (selected by Rydberg, 1908, as type).


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Deciduous shrub with many erect stems; branches mostly terete and tomentose. Leaf base appendage present, in one, two or more whorls, sometimes persistent bases compile a cone like structure. Leaves simple, alternate; exstipulate usually shortly petiolate, margin serrate or incised. Inflorescence many flowered, bracteate, pinnately veined panicles or simple corymbs or umbel or umbel like racemes, terminal on branches of the current year or lateral from the buds of the preceding years growth. Flowers mostly small perfect, rarely imperfect mostly bisexual, very rarely unisexual in dioecious plants; bract linear scaly or leafy; hypanthium mostly campanulate, sometimes saucer shaped (hemispheric), free from carpels and lined by nectariferous glands. Sepals 5, gamosepalous, sepal lobes free, triangular ovate, erect, deciduous or persistent with fruits; lobes smooth. Petals 5, polypetalous; white, cream white, pinkish white or pink, sometimes light purple-purplish white, red or pink-red; spreading, sub-orbicular, obovate or oblong, margins slightly undulate or uneven, deciduous, imbricate, inserted at the outer edge of the nectar ring or disc. Stamens usually 10-25, free, filaments slender, usually of unequal length, free, inserted at the outer margins of the mouth of the hypanthium, nectar ring (disc) more or less fleshy, sometimes very prominent. Carpels mostly 5, free, superior; inserted at the base of lthe floral tube; style terminal or sub-terminal or from the sides, more or less bent; stigma more or less capitate or discoid or funnel shaped or heart shaped, ovules one, two to several per carpel. Fruit follicle, mostly 5, oblong, acuminate, completely dehiscent along the adaxial suture.

A genus of c. 80 species, mostly restricted to the North Temperate Zone and widespread in North America, Eastern Europe and Asia, absent in Middle and Western Europe. Eight species are recognized from Pakistan. Some species are ornamental, nectiferous and are well established in horticulture, specially with pale-pink flowers (S. bella Sims) or white flowered S. cantoniensis Lour. often cultivated in the gardens.


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Leaves rhomboid with wax deposits abaxially; sepal lobes acute or sharply acute.




1. S. cantoniensis



Leaves elliptical, lanceolate, oblanceolate-obovate, no wax deposits abaxially; sepal lobes mostly acuminate.







Carpel length up to 4-5 mm; stem glabresent to pubescent.






Carpel length up to 2 mm; stem densely tomentose.





Sepal lobes densely tomentose on both sides; style sub-terminal, bent outwards. Bracteoles very close to thalamus just below the flowers.


2. S. bella



Bracteoles in the middle of pedicel. Sepal lobes smooth outside; style abaxial, bent inwards.


3. S. affinis



Leaf margin serrate to dentate, serration starts from the base of leaf; apex obtuse to rounded, glandular; peduncle 5-15 mm long.


4. S. vacciniifolia



Leaf margin undulate, if serrate or dentate, serration starts from 1/4th of total leaf length; spiny, mucronate, acute apex or tridentate, glandular or non-glandular; peduncle very short 0-5 mm long.





Leaf margin slightly undulate; apex obtuse, mucronate or tridentate; inflorescence compound corymb.


5. S. canscens



Leaf margin dentate; apex tridentate, dentation limited to the upper 1/3rd margin or apex only; inflorescence simple corymb.





Leaf lanceolate, oblanceolate or narrowly obovate; style arising abaxially, petals orbicular.


S. hypericifolia



Leaf obovate; style terminal to sub-terminal; petals obovate.





Leaves narrowly obovate, c. 10 mm long; carpel sessile.

7. S. brahuica

Annexure 1

(Alternate key to be tested)




Flowers dioecious or subdioecious.


2.  S. bella



Flowers monoecious.





Ovary glabrous, leaves with wax deposits abaxially.



1. S. cantoniensis



Ovary hairy, leaves without wax deposits.





Inflorescence umbel.




Inflorescence corymb or umbellate corymb.






Stem glabrous, ovary glabrous except at inner suture.



5. S.  hypersifolia



Stem pubescent, ovary tomentose along the entire ventral and lower dorsal suture.



7. S.  brahuica



Stem angular, sepals glabrous outside.


3. S.  affinis



Stem terete, sepals tomentose on both sides.






Inflorescence simple umbellate corymb.


8. S.  pilosa



Inflorescence compound corymb.




Petiole 2-4 mm, lamina 14-30 x 8-14 mm.

4. S.  vaccinifolia



Petiole 0.5-2 mm, lamina 8-14 x 2-6 mm.

5. S.  canascens

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