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!!Myrtaceae Juss. Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Flora do Brasil 2020Search in Reflora - Virtual HerbariumSearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Genera Plantarum 322–323. 1789. (4 Aug 1789) (Gen. Pl.) Name publication detailView in BotanicusView in Biodiversity Heritage Library

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/10/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 12/2/2021)
Fl. Madagasc.: Vol. 152 (1953)View in Botanicus
APG website treatment: Myrtaceae
Notes: Numerous spp of "Eucalyps" (the genera Eucalyptus and Corymbia) are in cultivation for timber and some are at least semi-naturalized in Madagascar. Numerous species in other various genera are in cultivation for edible fruits or as ornamentals, including the European Myrtle, Myrtus communis L., which is recorded as cultivated in Antananarivo, and species of the widely cultivated ornamental "Bottle brushes" (the genera Callistemon and Melaleuca) are occasionally naturalised.

Summary and Status Directory     (Last Modified On 12/2/2021)
Subordinate Taxon Data:

The data in this table are derived from the corresponding Genus and Species pages. The table provides a summary of the treatment presented in the published parts of the Flore de Madagascar et des Comores, together with a summary of the data presented here in the Madagascar Catalogue, which includes information on the number of species currently accepted, and an estimate of the number of undescribed species for the genera for which a recent taxonomic evaluation has been conducted. The number of accepted species is added to the estimate of undescribed species to provide an estimated total. Place cursor over headers marked [+] for further explanation of the column contents.

Click here for more information about our approach to taxonomic evaluation.

Lifeform/Habit in Madagascar [+] Distribution [+] Flore de Madagascar Madagascar Catalogue Further taxonomic work Data capture complete
No. of species accepted [+] Native species endemism [+] No. of published species accepted [+] Native species endemism [+] Estimated undescribed species [+] Estimated total species [+] Native species endemism [+]
Callistemon Sh;Tr Naturalized species only not treated   - none 1 (0;0;1) - not currently required no
Corymbia Sh;Tr Naturalized species only not treated   - none 1 (0;0;1) - not currently required no
Eucalyptus Tr Naturalized species only not treated   - none 1 (0;0;1) - not currently required no
Eugenia Sh;Tr Not Endemic to Region

51 (50,0,1)

100% 70 (69;0;1) 100% 9 (9;0;0) 79 (78;0;1) 100% in progress no
Melaleuca Sh;Tr Naturalized species only not treated 1 (0;0;1) - none 1 (0;0;1) - not currently required no
Myrtus Malagasy spp transferred to Eugenia 2 (2;0;0) 100% yes
Psidium Sh;Tr Naturalized species only 2 (0,0,2) no native spp 3 (0;0;3) - not yet evaluated not yet evaluated - not yet evaluated no
Syzygium Sh;Tr Not Endemic to Region treated as Eugenia 22 (19;0;3) 100% not yet evaluated not yet evaluated - not yet evaluated yes
Myrtaceae Sh;Tr Not Endemic to Region 53 (52;0;3) 100% 96 (88;0;8) 100% incomplete incomplete - in progress no



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