Home Iridaceae of sub-Saharan Africa
Iridaceae in sub-Saharan Africa
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Moraea subg. Polyanthes Goldblatt & J.C. Manning Search in IPNISearch in NYBG Virtual HerbariumSearch in SEINetAfrican Plants, Senckenberg Photo GallerySearch in Living Collections Decrease font Increase font Restore font

Published In: Bothalia 43: 37. 2013. (Bothalia) Name publication detail

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 6/23/2016)
Acceptance : Accepted
Taxon Profile     (Last Modified On 6/23/2016)
Description: Corm tunics mostly of hard, black fibres. Foliage leaves several to solitary. Flowers fugaceous, mostly blue to mauve, also yellow or white; stamens united in lower half; ovary often included, style branches well developed with prominent crest or much reduced, sometimes as paired or single filiform arms. Capsules oblong-ellipsoid, sometimes beaked, exserted or included. Basic chromosome number x = 10 but four of the six sections have x = 6.
General Notes: The alliance is united morphologically by distinctive blackish, wiry corm tunic fibres, but the multileaved habit (reduced in some species to a single leaf) and fugaceous flower are plesiomorphic. In addition, many species of the subgenus have an apomorphic included ovary but the condition is reversed in two sections. The subgenus is mixed for chromosome number: a base number of x = 20 is ancestral and basic for two sections, Serpentinae and Deserticolae (but reduction to x = 6 (or 5) has occurred within sect. Deserticola) and x = 6 is almost exclusive in sect. Hexaglottis, sect. Gynandriris, sect. Polyanthes and sect. Pseudospicatae (one species of sect. Polyanthes, M. inclinata has n = 6 and 11).


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1 Plants with filiform style branches either simple or forked to base into paired filiform arms extending between anthers; both inner and outer tepals usually with contrasting markings (2)
+ Plants with flattened style branches appressed to opposed anthers, with out without obvious crests (13)
2 (1) Style branches simple, filiform, extending between anthers; tepals predominantly blue to violet (3)
+ Style branches with paired filiform arms; flowers yellow or blue to violet (5)
3 (2) Foliage leaf channelled, 5-7 mm wide; leaf margins thickened Moraea marginata
+ Foliage leaf terete; without margins (4)
4 (3) Leaf straight, hollow, ± 3 mm diam., about as long as stem Moraea fistulosa
+ Leaf falcate, and somewhat twisted, not hollow, ± 1 mm diam, longer than stem, often trialing distally Moraea montana
5 (2) Perianth shades of blue to violet (6)
+ Perianth yellow to beige (7)
6 (5) Stem 80–100 mm high, weakly flexuose; foliage leaf solitary; stem 1- or 2-branched; plants of southern Namibia Moraea hexaglottis
+ Stem 200–450 mm high, straight; foliage leaves 2 or more; stem usually with 1–4 primary branches each (1–)4–6 sessile lateral flower clusters at upper nodes; plants of interior Western Cape Moraea pearsonii
7 (5) Tepals united basally in a short perianth tube (8)
+ Tepals free to base (10)
8 (7) Perianth tube (3-)4-9 mm long; ovary entirely included Moraea virgata
+ Perianth tube 1.5–2 mm long; upper part of ovary sometimes emerging from spathes (9)
9 (8) Leaf margins straight; plants with several to many sessile lateral rhipidia; anther 6–7 mm long Moraea brevituba
+ Leaf margins undulate (sometimes crisped); plants unbranched or with 1 or 2 shortly stalked lateral rhipidia; anthers ± 3 mm long Moraea thermarum
10 (7) Lateral rhipidia stalked; leaves comparatively broad and short, to 11 mm wide, spreading and twisted, with margins undulate and often crisped Moraea namaquana
+ Lateral rhipidia sessile, spicately arranged on the main or primary branches (11)
11 (10) Capsules narrowly ellipsoid to cylindric-trigonous; rarely > 3 mm at widest, plants of open and dry habitats Moraea lewisiae
+ Capsules obovoid to club-shaped, truncate above; 4–8 mm at the widest point; plants of moist habitats, stream sides, and seeps (12)
12 (11) Capsules 12-16(-23) mm long and 6-8 mm wide; inner spathe of lateral rhipidia usually shorter than outer and concealed by the sheathing bract leaves Moraea longifolia
+ 12 Capsules 6-10(-12) mm long and ca. 4 mm wide; inner spathe of the lateral rhipidia usually longer than outer and not concealed Moraea riparia
13 (1) Ovary subsessile and perianth raised above spathes on sterile tubular extension of ovary AND style branches broad, petaloid and bearing prominent crests; rhipidial spathes translucent between veins (14)
+ Ovary subsessile or on long pedicels with or without beaked ovary AND style branches reduced or broad, petaloid and bearing crests; rhipidial spathes not translucent between veins (20)
14 (13) Foliage leaves 2; leaf blades helically coiled and with median band of translucent tissue Moraea pritzeliana
+ Foliage leaves 1 or 2; leaf blades linear straight or laxly twisted, usually channelled, uniformly green (15)
15 (14) Flowers small, outer tepals 12–18 mm long; anthers 2.5–4.0 mm long Moraea setifolia
+ Flowers moderate-sized, inner tepals (17–)19–30 mm long; anthers (4–)5–8 mm long (16)
16 (15) Flowers white; inner tepal limbs erect Moraea cedarmontana
+ Flowers blue to blue-mauve or violet; inner tepal limbs half reflexed (17)
17 (16) Foliage leaves 2; flowers crepuscular, opening after 17:00 Moraea hesperantha
+ Foliage leaves usually solitary or 2; flowers diurnal, collapsing in late afternoon (18)
18 (17) Plants of summer rainfall southern Africa; tepals blue-mauve mottled with age in darker colour; outer tepals 17–28 mm long Moraea simulans
+ Plants of western winter rainfall southern Africa; tepals blue-mauve to violet, not mottledwith age in darker colour; outer tepals 21–30 mm long (19)
19 (18) Claws of outer tepals 11–12 mm long; tepals pale blue–blue-mauve Moraea australis
+ Claws of outer tepals 7–8 mm long; tepals blue-violet Moraea contorta
20 (13) Sheath of cauline leaf sheathing or with extended blade with very short sheathing part less than 7 mm long (21)
+ Sheath of cauline leaf (leaves) with sheathing part more than 12 mm long (22)
21 (20) Ovary 8–12 mm long and included in rhipidial spathes; outer spathes 30–45 mm long Moraea iringensis
+ Ovary 3–5 mm long and exserted from rhipidial spathes; outer spathes 20–35 mm long Moraea afro-orientalis
22 (20) Foliage leaves 2 or more (23)
+ Foliage leaf solitary (sometimes absent at flowering), remaining leaves entirely sheathing stem (38)
23 (22) Style branches bearing prominent, erect paired crests; outer tepals bearing nectar guides at bases of limbs (24)
+ Style branches reduced, as wide or narrower than anthers with crests vestigial or lacking; nectar guides present at bases of limbs of both tepal limbs (34)
24 (23) Ovary and capsules included in rhipidial spathes (25)
+ Ovary and capsules exserted from rhipidial spathes (31)
25 (24) Lower or all foliage leaves ± basal; blades twisted or coiled (26)
+ Leaves inserted well above ground, ± opposed at first aerial node (30)
26 (25) Inner tepals spathulate with limbs erect; leaves twisted, or coiled, and narrowly channelled Moraea serpentina
+ Inner tepals ± obovate, with limbs of both whorls half-reflexed (27)
27 (26) Leaves 2 or 3, with blades terete and helically coiled Moraea tortilis
+ Leaves 2, with blades channeled or terete but not coiled (28)
28 (27) Foliage leaves terete, < 1 mm diam., straight, possibly trailing distally; outer tepals ± 18 × 8 mm Moraea teretifolia
+ Foliage leaves channeled, shorter than stem with margins undulate (crisped); outer tepals 25–30 × 10 (29)
29 (28) Leaf margins undulate (crisped); flowers white with yellow nectar guides on outer tepals; plants of Namaqualand South Africa Moraea geminifolia
+ Leaf margins plane; flowers largely white becoming blue to purple towards bases of tepals and with narrow white nectar guides on outer tepals; plants of southern Tanzania Moraea callista
30 (25) Stems and leaves fairly sturdy, stem mostly 2–4 mm diam.; flowers moderate-sized to large, outer tepals 30–50 mm long; capsules mostly 12–30 mm long Moraea fugax
+ Stems and leaves ± filiform, stem rarely > 1 mm diam.; flowers moderate-sized, outer tepals 20–33 mm long mm long; capsules 9–13(–15) mm long Moraea filicaulis
31 (24) Flower with outer tepals 16–30 mm long; inner rhipidial spathes 20–45 mm long (32)
+ Flowers with outer tepals 36–60 mm long; inner rhipidial spathes 40–60 mm long (33)
32 (31) Foliage leaves 2(3); inner rhipidial spathes mostly 30–45 mm long; plants of northern Namibia, Botswana and southern tropical Africa Moraea carsonii
+ Foliage leaves (2)3 or 4; inner rhipidial spathes 20–40(–45) mm long; plants southern Western and Eastern Cape Moraea bipartita
33 (31) Ovary veined with red (not southern Cape populations); outer tepals 36–55 mm long; capsules 9–16 mm long, erect Moraea polystachya
+ Ovary uniformly green; outer tepals 45–60 mm long; capsules 16–20 mm long, often nodding Moraea venenata
34 (23) Plants acaulescent or almost so; tepals united basal in a tube 5–6 mm long Moraea graniticola
+ Plants with well developed aerial stem; tepals free to base (35)
35 (34) Style dividing at top of filament column and diverging from base Moraea polyanthos
+ Style dividing at or above middle of anthers, hardly diverging (36)
36 (35) Foliage leaves several (at last 4); leaf blades 20–40 mm wide; style branches 2–6 mm long Moraea speciosa
+ Foliage leaves 2 or 3; leaf blades narrow, 2–5 mm wide; style branches ± 1 mm long (37)
37 (36) Ovary veined with red; tepals ± 30–36 mm long; anthers 5.5–6.6 mm long, contiguous with style dividing opposite anther tips and overtopping them Moraea deserticola
+ Ovary uniformly green; tepals ± 22 mm long; anthers 4–5 mm long exceeding style branches ± 1 mm long Moraea tanquana
38 (22) Plants of eastern southern Africa and tropical Africa (39)
+ Plants of western, winter rainfall southern Africa (44)
39 (38) Foliage leaf absent or dry at flowering time (or new leaf emergent), blade terete without longitudinal groove (40)
+ Foliage leaf present at flowering time; blade channelled, sometimes margins tightly inrolled, seeming terete but with narrow longitudinal adaxial groove (42)
40 (39) Style branches reduced, narrow, lacking crests Moraea thomsonii
+ Style branches not reduced, always bearing crests (41)
41 (40) Flowers pale lilac to blue-mauve; outer tepals 18–20 mm long Moraea stricta
+ Flowers violet; outer tepals 12–15 mm long Moraea alpina
42 (39) Leaf inserted at base or shortly above ground Moraea elliotii
+ Leaf inserted well above ground often at base of first branches; branches often short, somewhat crowded above first aerial node (43)
43 (42) Inner rhipidial spathes 34–40 mm long; capsules globose, ± 5 mm diam.; outer tepals 25–30 mm long Moraea inclinata
+ Inner rhipidial spathes .. mm long; capsules club-shaped up to 10 mm long; outer tepals 15–20 mm long Moraea natalensis
44 (38) Style branches bearing prominent, erect paired crests; only outer tepals bearing nectar guides at bases of limbs (45)
+ Style branches reduced, mostly as wide or narrower than anthers with crests vestigial or lacking; inner and outer tepals usually bearing nectar guides at bases of limbs (55)
45 (44) Leaf inserted well above ground often at base of first branches; branches often short, somewhat crowded above first aerial node (46)
+ Leaf inserted at base, plants branched or not (48)
46 (45) Spathes short, 20–35(–40) mm long; capsules 10–12 mm long; branches many on extended stem (see also M. filicaulis above) Moraea gracilenta
+ Spathes longer, (35–)40–65 mm long; capsules 15–28(–40) mm long (47)
47 (46) Plants usually unbranched, rarely 1- or 2-branched; capsules 18–30 mm long; flowers blue to mauve or violet or white; outer tepals 20–30 mm long Moraea macrocarpa
+ Plants several to many branched, often crowded; capsules 12–30 mm long; flowers moderate-sized to large, white, blue or yellow, outer tepals 30–50 mm long Moraea fugax
48 (45) Ovary and capsules exserted; rhipidial spathes green, sometimes dry toward tips (49)
+ Ovary and capsules included; rhipidial spathes partly dry, with broad membrnaous margins (50)
49 (48) Flowers small, outer tepals 14–17 × 4.5–6.0 mm; outer tepals reflexed up to 30º; inner rhipidial spathes 22–32 mm long Moraea exiliflora
+ Flowers moderate in size, outer tepals 20–30 mm long; outer tepals reflexed 45º or more; inner rhipidial spathes 33–60 mm long Moraea lazulina
50 (48) Foliage leaf terete, straight below, loosely to tightly coiled in distal 1/3; flowers white to creamy white Moraea acocksii
+ Leaves dorsiventral, channelled at least below, often twisted distally; flowers white, yellow or blue to blue-mauve (lilac) (51)
51 (50) Plants small, up to 150 mm high; outer tepals 22–28 mm long; outer tepal claws ± 8–10 mm long, thus ± half as long as limbs Moraea quartzicola
+ Plants usually exceeding 200 mm; outer tepals 26–40 mm long; outer tepal claws ± as long as limbs (52)
52 (51) Filaments ± 15 mm long and anthers 3–4 mm long (< 1/3 as long as filaments); outer tepals ± 30 × ± 8 mm Moraea macgregoriorum
+ Filaments 10–14 mm long and anthers 5–9 mm long (± 1/2 to > 1/2 as long as filaments); outer tepals 26–47 × 10–22 mm (53)
53 (52) Foliage leaf narrowly channelled (sometimes appearing ± terete but with narrow adaxial groove); margins straight; flowers blue-mauve or white Moraea namibensis
+ Foliage leaf twisted, or straight, margins straight or undulate to partly crisped; flowers pale or deep yellow, white or pale blue-mauve (54)
54 (53) Leaf usually trailing almost from base, margins undulate to crisped; flowers usually yellow Moraea bolusii
+ Leaf falcate, thus erect in lower half, almost straight to undulate; flowers pale blue-mauve or white, rarely pale, watery yellow Moraea saxicola
55 (44) Ovary extended above as a sterile tube; leaves terete (56)
+ Ovary without sterile tubular extension; leaves channelled (sometimes with narrow longitudinal groove) or terete (57)
56 (55) Leaf ± 3 mm diam., interior hollow and pithy, rigidly erect; tubular upper part of ovary ± 1 mm long Moraea rigidifolia
+ Leaf ± 1 mm diam, straight or loosely coiled helically; tubular part of ovary 7–10 mm long Moraea herrei
57 (55) Plants with 2–4 branches, all stalked; capsules ellipsoid-obovoid Moraea crispa
+ Plants 1 or 2 stalked primary branches from base but bearing sessile lateral rhipidia above; capsules globose or spindle-shaped (58)
58 (57) Capsules globose, 2–4 mm diam., membranous and semitransparent, fragmenting irregularly; flowering December to March Moraea pseudospicata
+ Capsules, ± spindle-shaped with a short sterile beak; flowering October–November Moraea verecunda
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