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Published In: Species Muscorum Frondosorum 178. 1801. (Sp. Musc. Frond.) Name publication detailView in Botanicus

Project Name Data (Last Modified On 3/17/2009)
Acceptance : Accepted
Project Data     (Last Modified On 3/17/2009)
General Reference:

Notes     (Last Modified On 3/17/2009)
general taxon notes:
Bryum is the largest and most widely distributed genus of mosses in the world. Plants vary widely and identifications are often difficult. The genus consists of some 800 species worldwide. About 50 species have been reported from China (Redfearn et al. 1996). In this flora, 44 species and two varieties are treated.

A few additional species that may belong in this genus have been reported from China (Redfearn et al. 1996). These are poorly understood species, and more studies are needed to determine their positions. They are:

 Bryum albidum Coppey, B. alpinum subsp. gerwigii (C. Müll.) Podp., B. campylopodioides C. Müll., B. capillare var. lastissinum Meenken in B.-G. Zhong & Y.-S. Siong., nom. nud., B. eurycarpum Dix. in C.-Y. Yang, nom. nud., B. hawaiicum Hoe, B. hopeinesi Dix. in C.-Y. Yang, nom. nud., B. humillimum var. majus C. Müll. in Levier, nom. nud., B. klinggraeffioides Dix. in C.-Y. Yang, nom. nud., B. lisae var. cuspidatum (Bruch & Schimp.) Marg., B. mairei Coppey, B. ochianum Redf. & Tan., B. ovalicarpum Dix. in C.-Y. Yang, nom. nud., B. perindutum Dix. in C.-Y. Yang, nom. nud., and B. wrightii Sull.


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3. BryumHedw.   真藓属   zhen xian shu
Sp. Musc. Frond. 178. 1801.
Plants small to robust, in loose or dense tufts. Stems simple or branched, often radiculose at base. Lower leaves smaller, sparse; upper leaves larger, dense, ovate, elliptical or lanceolate, acute or acuminate or apiculate at apex; margins entire or serrulate, often recurved below or throughout, borders often differentiated; costae strong, excurrent, percurrent or ending below the leaf apex; leaf cells usually rhombic, shortly rhomboidal or hexagonal, thin-walled, becoming narrowed close to margins; lower cells larger, oblong-rhomboidal to rectangular. Dioicous or autoicous. Perichaetia terminal, often appearing to be lateral when new innovated branches present; perigonia terminal. Setae elongate; capsules cylindrical or in various shapes, inclined to pendulous; neck mostly developed; stomata present; opercula conic, apiculate to shortly rostrate; annuli well developed, revolute; peristome double; exostome teeth linear-lanceolate, densely papillose; endostome segments usually as long as the teeth, keeled, perforate; basal membrane high; cilia often developed, nodose. Spores small, usually coarsely papillose. Calyptrae cucullate, smooth.

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1. Plants whitish to silvery green (leaves hyaline above)............................................................2
1. Plants green, yellowish green or reddish, not whitish to silvery (leaves not hyaline)..........................5
2. Plants pure whitish, glossy, tomentose; leaf apex slenderly long-acuminate to long-aristate.............. 19. B. gossypinum
2. Plants whitish, pale green, green; leaf apex shortly acuminate, acute or obtuse.................................3
3. Capsules erect...............................................................................32. B. petelotii
3. Capsules cernuous to pendulous......................................................................................4
4. Leaf cells rhomboidal; capsules pyriform, more than 1.5 mm long...................................... 5. B. argenteum
4. Leaf cells sublinear to linear; capsules subglobose, less than 1.0 mm long.............. 24. B. leucophylloides
5. Rhizoids with gemmae......................................................................................................6
5. Rhizoids without gemmae................................................................................................9
6. Gemmae disk-like, flat..................................................................................41. B. tuberosum
6. Gemmae pyriform or globose..............................................................................................7
7. Gemmae pyriform, less than 100 µm long, ca. 2–3 row-cells wide.......................39. B. sauteri
7. Gemmae globose, longer than 150 μm, more than 3 row-cells wide................................8
8. Cell surface of gemmae convex................................................................9. B. bornholmense
8. Cell surface of gemmae smooth..............................................................35. B. radiculosum
9. Plants autoicous.....................................................................................10
9. Plants dioicous.........................................................................................12
10. Endostome and cilia well developed; spores less than 20 μm in diameter........................ 30. B. pallescens
10. Endostome and cilia reduced; spores 25–40 μm in diameter....................................11
11. Leaves ovate to broadly ovate; margins bordered by 1 row of cells; capsules rounded-ovoid to long-ellipsoidal, mouth symmetrical..................................................................11. B. calophyllum
11. Leaves ovate-lanceolate; margins bordered by 2 rows of cells; capsules elongate-ovoid to pyriform, mouth oblique, asymmetrical..............................................................................43. B. uliginosum
12. Leaf apices obtuse and apiculate..........................................................................13
12. Leaf apices acute or acuminate..............................................................................16
13. Leaves almost plane; margins bordered by 1–2 rows of cells or barely differentiated.................14
13. Leaves concave; margins bordered by more than 2 rows of cells.......................................15
14. Leaf apices obtuse; costae ending below the apex........................................16. B. cyclophyllum
14. Leaf apex apiculate; costae percurrent...............................................................18. B. funkii
15. Leaf cells narrowly rhombic; leaf apices round to obtuse, often split; margins bluntly dentate............ 20. B. handelii
15. Leaf cells broadly rhombic; leaf apices obtuse to apiculate; margins entire to serrulate .............27. B. neodamense
16. Marginal cells of leaves not or hardly differentiated................................................................17
16. Marginal cells of leaves clearly differentiated.......................................................................30
17. Apophyses short and thick.................................................................................................18
17. Apophyses long and slender.............................................................................................. 21
18. Plants small; leaves imbricate; leaf cells narrowly rhombic; capsules rounded-ovoid............. 8. B. blindii
18. Plants large; leaves not imbricate; leaf cells long-rhomboidal; capsules ovoid to ellipsoidal................. 19
19. Leaves oblong-lanceolate to lanceolate, axillary gemmae usually absent; capsules cylindrical; apophyses thick, broader than urn...........................................................................................15. B. coronatum
19. Leaves ovate-lanceolate, axillary gemmae often present; capsules ovoid or shortly ellipsoidal; apophyses almost as broad as urn.............................................................................................20
20. Gemmae often with leaf primordia; apophyses scarcely shrunk when dry..................... 17. B. dichotomum
20. Gemmae without leaf primordia; apophyses shrunk when dry.......................28. B. pachytheca
21. Leaves oblong-lanceolate; leaf cells narrowly rhomboidal to linear.................................22
21. Leaves oblong-ovate; leaf cells rhombic to hexagonal..................................................25
22. Leaf margins distinctly recurved..................................................................31. B. paradoxum
22. Leaf margins plane, only slightly recurved......................................................................23
23. Costae percurrent.............................................................................................2. B. alpinum
23. Costae shortly excurrent......................................................................................24
24. Plants glossy, yellowish green; gemmae pyriform, mixed with rhizoids............................ 3. B. apiculatum
24. Plants not glossy, reddish; gemmae absent.....................................................40. B. thomsonii
25. Costae ending just below the apex, percurrent or shortly excurrent.................................26
25. Costae long-excurrent, ending in aristate awns............................................................28
26. Costae shortly excurrent; leaf cells linear-rhomboidal................................21. B. kashmirense
26. Costae ending below the apex or nearly percurrent; leaf cells rhombic to elongate-rhombic................. 27
27. Leaves broadly elliptical or spathulate, cucullate at apex; leaf cells lax and large.................. 13. B. cellulare
27. Leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, plane at apex; leaf cells thick-walled and small.............. 22. B. knowltonii
28. Leaf margins strongly recurved; leaf cells obliquely arranged...........................36. B. recurvulum
28. Leaf margins plane or only slightly recurved; leaf cells often longitudinally arranged............................ 29
29. Plants glossy, pale grayish...............................................................23. B. leptocaulon
29. Plants dull, brownish green..............................................................44. B. yuennanense
30. Plants small to medium-sized; leaves not forming rosettes; leaf margins nearly entire, serrulate near apex...........................................................................................................31
30. Plants large or robust; leaves forming rosettes; leaf margins serrate above middle................................. 43
31. Leaves sparse; setae 8–10 cm long; endostome segments longer than the teeth............26. B. longisetum
31. Leaves dense; setae less than 8 cm long; endostome segments shorter than or as long as the teeth.......32
32. Mouth of capsules and opercula large; endostome segments well developed..................................33
32. Mouth of capsules and opercula small; endostome segments reduced, adhered to the teeth................... 42
33. Leaf margins differentiated in the lower 1/2.........................................................34
33. Leaf margins differentiated throughout.................................................................35
34. Leaves ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, acuminate at apex; leaf base not decurrent............ 14. B. clavatum
34. Leaves broadly ovate, apiculate at apex; leaf base decurrent.................................37. B. rutilans
35. Leaf margins serrate in the upper part; leaf cells 1–2׃1 (length׃width)................... 33. B. pseudotriquetrum
35. Leaf margins almost entire; leaf cells 2׃1 (length׃width)................................................36
36. Leaves oblong, oblong-ovate or spathulate......................................................12. B. capillare
36. Leaves ovate-lanceolate or lanceolate.............................................................37
37. Costae ending below the leaf apex or shortly excurrent; leaf apex cuspidate................38
37. Costae long-excurrent; leaf apex awned....................................................................41
38. Plants autoicous; cilia rudimentary; spores 30–36 µm in diameter............................. 34. B. purpurascens
38. Plants dioicous; cilia well developed; spores less than 25 µm in diameter.....................................39
39. Leaf margins strongly recurved; spores 8–10 μm in diameter.........................6. B. atrovirens
39. Leaf margins slightly recurved; spores 12–24 μm in diameter.....................................40
40. Leaf margins bordered by 1–2 rows of differentiated cells; all leaf cells uniform colored.......29. B. pallens
40. Leaf margins bordered by 2–4 rows of differentiated cells; basal leaf cells reddish brown.............. 42. B. turbinatum
41. Plants dioicous; capsules ellipsoidal or pyriform; spores 10–15 μm in diameter........... 10. B. caespiticium
41. Plants autoicous; capsules club-shaped; spores 16–22 μm in diameter..............25. B. lonchocaulon
42. Leaf margins bordered by 1 row of differentiated cells; basal marginal cells gradually becoming narrower
.........................................1. B. algovicum
42. Leaf margins bordered by 2 rows of differentiated cells; basal marginal cells suddenly becoming wider..
...............................................................................................................4. B. arcticum
43. Leaf cells 35–65 µm long; costae shortly excurrent..........................................7. B. billarderi
43. Leaf cells 56–90 µm long; costae long-excurrent, ending in long, aristate awns........38. B. salakense


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